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4 Ways to Reinvent the Facebook/Google Data Model in the Wake of Cambridge Analytica

The traditional model of collecting user data is hurting us all. Let’s change it, with blockchain.

7 min read

The Cambridge Analytica scandal, as CNBC reported, marked an important tipping point in how many of us view tech giants like Facebook and Google.

Related: How to Tell if Cambridge Analytica Scraped Your Facebook Data

To briefly recap what happened: Facebook allowed a third party (the British political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica) to access huge amounts of Facebook user data and use it for political ends. This data contained details about the identities of millions of Facebook users and was shared without their direct knowledge.

A massive controversy ensued and is still in full swing. Just this week, Mark Zuckerberg tried to address the European Parliament’s concerns. This and other recent events have confirmed what many of us have known for some time: Our data is not safe with the Facebooks and Googles of the world and is used without our knowledge.

Since the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke, widespread protests and furious debate have surrounded the issue of how our personal data ought to be handled. The ethics of the tech juggernauts are being questioned as never before.

As the case against Facebook unfolds and as that conversation dominates the spotlight, the flaws with the Facebook/Google model (where big companies control our data and do with it as they please) are becoming more apparent every day. It’s a system based on profiting from user data, and it pretty much benefits no one aside from the platforms themselves.

Let’s take a look at the problems the model shows.

Related: Read Mark Zuckerberg’s Full Statement on Facebook’s Data Scandal

A seriously flawed system

The problems boil down to the fact that users of these companies’ services don’t own their data. It’s the property of the platforms themselves, and that means it just isn’t safe.

While Facebook repeatedly insists that it doesn’t directly sell users’ data to advertising companies, this is an incomplete answer. In reality, both Facebook and Google work closely with ad companies, using users’ data to help them — the tech companies — bolster their efforts to target their own ads at the users most likely to respond well.

Worse, the Cambridge Analytica scandal is proof that this data isn’t safe with these tech companies. It can (and does) easily fall into the hands of people we know very little about, who may then use it in ways we may not agree with.

But the issues run deeper than privacy.

The data-model benefits users and advertisers in theory because users get to see ads for things they like, and ad companies get higher responses and ultimately more money.

Unfortunately, things aren’t quite that straightforward. Often, data is inaccurately used, leading to ad companies targeting the wrong users and losing money. So a data aggregator might say it didn’t sell the data — that it simply got leaked or wass “harvested” by other companies (as Zuckerberg testified in the Cambridge Analytica case).

But, whatever its genesis, the data gets out there; advertisers grab it, and he users themselves are forced to look at hordes of ads for things they couldn’t care less about.

Another group losing out? Content creators.They’re vital to the process because the videos, groups and posts they share are what attracts traffic to the platforms and make advertising possible.

But they’re often seriously underpaid, despite their crucial role in Facebook and Google’s business model.

It seems, then, that the only real beneficiaries are the tech companies. And these parties certainly do benefit — with enormous profits and ad revenues, as Statista reported in this article.

These are the reasons we need a new system. And the good news is there could be one just around the corner.

A new model, with four points

There’s been one good thing about the Cambridge Analytica controversy: It’s sparked a strong desire for new ways of doing things in the online advertising space. The result has been calls for a better way of handling data.

Blockchain technology is one method being considered. It’s decentralized by nature, so it offers a refreshing alternative to the heavy centralization of Facebook and Google. Projects like Kind Ads and Basic Attention Token are making serious headway in the war against protecting user data. These platforms,both blockchain based, are competing directly against tech giants like Facebook and Google. 

Here are four suggested points to reinvent the old model:  

1. Decentralization

In a decentralized, blockchain-based system, advertisers will be able to work directly with users and content-creators instead of doing everything via a powerful middle man. This will benefit everyone involved.

Users will regain control of their data and be able to sell it directly to advertisers in return for payment via cryptocurrency. This way, they will be able to decide who can access and use their personal information, and specify what ads they’ll be happy to see.

2. No identity

Because blockchain promises to be highly secure and preserve anonymity, users won’t need to worry about a user’s identity being shared or made public.

“Traditional businesses are for profit, and they are built with the intention of the company doing whatever is in their best interest,” Neil Patel, a board member with Kind Ads explained to me. (Kind Ads is an advertising platform that serves user-friendly ads without taking any middleman fees.) “With blockchain,” Patel said, “not only is your data distributed, but many of these foundations have a mission that is focused on the user and don’t ever plan on making a dollar. In essence, they are putting the user first.

“Users are empowered, and they are given options in which they can sell their data in exchange for compensation,” Patel added. “In this new model, the power is flipped, where the user/consumer is in control versus the business.”

3. New ad networks

Decentralized ad networks will be able to put the focus on the user, letting users see the ads they want to see. Advertisers won’t have the ability to misuse people’s personal information, and publishers will control what is shown on their websites.

Advertisers will benefit too, because they will target ads much more accurately, to people they are certain will want to see them. They’ll be able to shift from impersonal, annoying ad styles (like banner ads) and embrace more pleasant and effective methods, like push notifications and chatbots.

4. No middle man

Finally, content creators will be able to negotiate with advertisers themselves and keep all the revenue. They’ll be able to charge their own rates and earn more money than they would by relying on Facebook and Google. This will free them up to devote more time to creating the content their followers love.

That will be a step toward a much fairer way of advertising; and when users view it, they’ll rest easy, knowing their data is much safer.

Related: What the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica Data Leak Teaches us About Ethics And Privacy

Overall, in the wake of events like the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the Equifax breach, people are rapidly losing faith in the ability of big tech companies to protect their data; and blockchain could well be the way we advance. Obviously, I’m an advocate of the blockchain revolution. I believe that disrupting big tech is the only way forward.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

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How to Build a Fitness Empire With Clients Like Kevin Hart

Andrew Medal talks to Ron “Boss” Everline about what it takes to build a successful fitness business with a high-celebrity profile list

2 min read

Ron “Boss” Everline has made personal fitness and training his life’s work. He attended Northwest Missouri State University on a full athletic football scholarship in pursuit of his professional football dreams. This next level of athletic achievement was the obvious choice for him as he comes from a pedigree of football elites.

He headed and co-created programs such as CJ the Workout Kid, which targets childhood obesity in Atlanta, and Teachers Get Fit, a secondary program to CJ the Workout Kid, to motivate teachers to be active and healthy examples to students.

Everline’s training programs have grown into the brand Total Player LLC, an umbrella company he created to introduce luxury health and fitness. He trained for the royal family throughout Europe, Africa and the United Arab Emirates. His celebrity client list is growing by the day, including award-winning comedian and actor Kevin Hart; Grammy Award-winning R&B artist and actor Ne-Yo; singer, actress and host Christina Milian; former “Cheetah Girl” and star of Empire Girls Adrienne Bailon; and R&B artist and actor Trey Songz, to name a few. Today, Everline is taking his vision to the next level by incorporating youth fitness into his constantly growing Just-Train brand.

Related: From Prison to Y Combinator Graduate to Megamillion-Dollar Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

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Sick of Passwords? Here’s How Blockchain Can Help, and Enhance Cybersecurity, to Boot.

The blockchain revolution includes white hat hackers banding together and the promise of no more passwords.

5 min read

Financial institutions, credit agencies, major corporations and small businesses are all in the news on a regular basis for security breaches (exemplified by this list of the top 17 security breaches from CSO that show the breadth of the issue).

Related: Protect Your Business! The 7 Cybersecurity Tools You Need as an Entrepreneur.

Because of these breaches, the average consumer needs to take measures to protect his or her individual information.

This is where blockchain technologies come in handy, because they’re disrupting the cybersecurity field in terms of how they’re better able to protect the individual user. Security and transparency are part of the overall promise of the block, as this IBM article explains.

Before an individual shares personal information or logs in to a favorite website, he or she must decide what’s getting shared. Thanks to the blockchain, cybersecurity is better than ever. Companies are focusing on keeping your information safe, focusing on access, detecting cyber attacks, protecting connected devices and eliminating the need for passwords.

That’s right! No more passwords

In an effort to get rid of those annoying passwords in your daily life and business dealings, REMME.io provides a secure and comprehensive blockchain-connected solution for authenticating identity: This solution has the potential to completely disrupt our password-heavy online lives by generating an individual SSL/TLS certificate rather than forcing users to log in manually.

REMME does this by using, as its foundation, Hyperledger Sawtooth, which is based on a public key infrastructure (PKI), and additional access management apps for user information.

Related: 3 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats Facing Small Businesses Right Now

In simpler terms, Hyperledger Sawtooth reflects the fact that traditional passwords aren’t that secure, as they are prone to getting hacked or to users forgetting them or losing access. Instead of passwords, REMME provides a fully secured authentication, in the form of SSL stored in the blockchain, so there is no authentication server or database that could be breached or manipulated. By removing the need for passwords,REMME’s solution removes the issue associated with them.

More good news! No more DDoS attacks

Gladius offers a new approach to fighting distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks happen when hackers take control of devices and direct them to a particular server.

Think about “zombie” traffic (so named because of the spike in recent years in useless traffic that comes from traffic with this Google nickname). Zombie traffic will overwhelm the bandwidth of the victim server and may lead to severe downtime and damage to a business’s productivity and reputation.

In Q4 2017 alone, as this Secure List article describes, DDoS attacks took place in 84 countries, with the longest lasting for 146 hours. These attacks can be terribly costly: the average cost of one for enterprises was $2.3 million in 2017, the article estimates.

Certainly there’s a lot at stake, but Gladius has a solution. Its approach involves using blockchain to build a network of users who can share bandwidth and resources to help one other combat DDoS attacks and accelerate the loading time of websites by deploying a wide network of caching devices (CDN).

In the event of an attack, victims can then draw on the bandwidth of their peers to help absorb the flood of traffic and prevent downtime; and, using this solution, users, in times of calm, can help to cache contents and serve websites.

In return, users who donate bandwidth to struggling members can be rewarded with crypto tokens. It’s a new and exciting way of dealing with the DDoS threat and could create a new incentivized model for sharing resources.

White hat hackers join forces

As cyber-crime increases, the cybersecurity industry grows. It’s now a huge and sprawling field, full of new companies and innovation. There are plenty of people with the skills to conduct cyber attacks of their own, who have chosen to fight for the good side and help defeat hackers.

Hacken wants to harness all this power and use blockchain to build a cybersecurity community that cares about ethics. Members of this community will be able to share resources and expertise in return for Hacken tokens.

For example, companies will be able to share information about their vulnerabilities, while white hat hackers figure out ways to resolve them. This information would then be publicly stored on the blockchain for future reference.

This kind of setup can not only help fight crime but also encourage investment in cybersecurity startups and help support this growing and valuable industry, for everyone’s benefit.

The future of cybersecurity in 2018

Blockchain technologies in 2018 have the potential to disrupt the way we navigate cybersecurity by keeping your information safe, detecting cyberattacks before they happen, eliminating passwords completely and banding white hackers together to do good.

Related: 4 Vital Cyber Security Measures Every Safety-Conscious Entrepreneur Needs to Take

There’s no doubt that blockchain can have a profound impact on cybersecurity since it is at its core a secure and encrypted database. And this database is immutable, transparent and — above all — resilient.

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From Prison to Y Combinator Graduate to Megamillion-Dollar Business

Andrew Medal chats with Frederick Hutson, the co-founder and CEO of Pigeonly. Hutson created a multimillion-dollar business after going to prison for five years.

1 min read

Frederick is the CEO and founder of Pigeonly, a low-cost communication and financial services platform that makes it easy for people to support an incarcerated loved one. He came up with the idea after serving time in the federal penitentiary for distributing 3,000 kilograms of weed. Hutson leads a growing team of over 20 people from Pigeonly’s Las Vegas headquarters and has raised over $5 million in funding from investors including Erik Moore (Base VC) and Mitch Kapor (Lotus).

Related: This Entrepreneur Was Down to His Last Cent When He Got an Order for His First Product. Now, His Company Is Worth More Than $28 Million.

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Forget Third-Party Data. You’re Already Missing Out on Most of Your First-Party Data

Use your own customer data about your customers to scale and grow.

6 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In the digital era, data is as good as currency. With more and more companies getting their edge from the ability to collect unique customer data and insights, data’s gold standard has never been higher.

Related: Facebook to End Targeted Ads Built with 3rd-Party Data Mining

There are also a number of ways companies can collect it. Some rely on proprietary research or information collected from their own systems. Others leverage data from third-party providers, like Acxiom, that collect consumer data through various passive and active methods, then sell it to marketers.

With limited time and resources, however, these marketers need to seriously consider the value of the data they source, and which methods of collecting that data are the most reliable. Recently, due to a number of public blunders, third-party data has been coming under fire. Facebook’s recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, as reported here by the New York Times, added fuel to that fire, causing consumers to get serious about holding companies accountable for what happens with their personal data.


Outside of the kinds of blunders that attract media attention, regulatory agencies are also cracking down on third-party data collection. As reported by CNBC, the European Union will soon be rolling out its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a series of restrictions and guidelines for how companies can collect data from their consumers online.

Related: Here’s How to Check If Facebook 3rd-Party Apps Have Access to Your Personal Information

One of the chief changes GDPR will bring is that companies must “directly” inform consumers of what data they are collecting, how they intend to use it and whom they intend to share it with. The consumer must then “consent” to the collection, use and sharing of that data. This could significantly reduce participation in current data-collection processes.

As Elizabeth Denham, the U.K.’s Information Commissioner, shared in a recent speech on ICO.org, “The new legislation creates an onus on companies to understand the risks that they create for others and to mitigate those risks. It’s about moving away from seeing the law as a box-ticking exercise, and instead to work on a framework that can be used to build a culture of privacy that pervades an entire organization.”

For marketers, changes like the GDPR could spell the doom of third-party data usefulness, which is precisely why it’s time that companies start relying on internal or proprietary data instead.

Issues with third-party data

While regulations pose a real threat to third-party data usage, third-party data has a host of issues that make it less valuable to marketers than first-party data. In most cases, third-party data is a waste of money, is unreliable or at least unverifiable and may create consumer trust issues.

For marketers looking to leverage data to maximize revenue growth, first-party data is a better option, because those marketers can verify its source and methodology, and test alternative approaches.

With third-party data, in contrast, the information is coming from the digital equivalent of a black box, and there’s no way to vet its quality.

As Vijay Chittoor, CEO and co-founder of Blueshift, put it to me while discussing the topic, “The biggest issues with third-party data are around data reliability and timeliness, which often lead to failures in personalization efforts.

“In the cases where marketers have a chance to validate third-party data against trusted first-party sources,” Chittoor continued, “they [marketers] often find that the third-party sources will incorrectly classify attributes such as gender or household income for a large number of people.” 

Using such unreliable data in your personalization can cause embarrassing failures. As an example, Chittoor pointed to this public tweet about The Gap. Marketers don’t have any use for data that isn’t reliable, especially if it’s going to cause this sort of PR mishap.

Another reason third-party data may be subpar is that it’s often outdated by the time it gets to the marketing team. This is problematic because consumer needs shift quickly in digital settings. Chittoor elaborated on this issue with a slogan, declaring that: “In today’s connected world, where the purchase window is shrinking,’If you’re not in time, you’re out of mind!’” In other words, with more and more emphasis these days on a real-time response, marketers can’t afford to be working with old information.

In a recent article, Parker Morse, CEO of H Code Media, added his own take on why third-party data is a poor use of a marketing budget. “Brands need data to conduct advertising campaigns,” Morse wrote, “but if the data is poor quality, then brands are wasting money on something that won’t do them much good.”

Marketers know that if something can’t be tested or verified, it’s risky to be wasting your limited budget on.

Why you should switch to first-party data — now.

Even in cases where they don’t rely on third-party data, companies may not be leveraging their first-party data to its maximum potential. A survey by Blueshift and Techvalidate found that 54 percent of marketers polled were using only half of their customer data. This is a huge problem because more and more marketers are turning to AI to scale their efforts; and that fact makes data a vital component of any marketing strategy.

Norm Johnston, chief digital officer for Mindshare, also explained in this Digiday article why AI is gaining traction with marketers, writing that, “The rapid evolution of AI in media will enable our people to focus on innovation and intelligence rather than repetition and reports.” 

A Forrester study reflected this rapid evolution, finding that 78 percent of surveyed marketers expected an increase in their spending on AI solutions over the next 12 months.

Without access to data, then, marketers will find it impossible to deploy advanced artificial intelligence. While 80 percent of marketers report using AI (as depicted in the Blueshift report), just 16 percent are using it for advanced segmentation capabilities.

One of the biggest ways to increase the flow of first-party data is by creating a collaborative relationship between marketing and IT. Marketers who increase their access to first-party data in this way will be able to leverage more current and valuable consumer insights.

Related: 10 Questions to Ask When Collecting Customer Data

For companies looking to to take their marketing efforts to the next level through the use of data and sophisticated AI technologies, it’s time to let go of questionable third-party data practices and instead rely on first-party data. Making this shift now will prevent any future upheavals in your company’s marketing activities that may occur as regulations controlling third-party data grow tighter and consumer tolerance for its use diminishes.

After all, nobody wants another Cambridge Analytica.

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This Entrepreneur Was Down to His Last Cent When He Got an Order for His First Product. Now, His Company Is Worth More Than $28 Million.

Andrew Medal chats with Aubrey Marcus about the inception of lifestyle brand Onnit, where he derives his creativity and building a multimillion-dollar business.

2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Aubrey Marcus is the founder and CEO of Onnit, a lifestyle brand based on a holistic health philosophy he calls Total Human Optimization. Since its founding, Onnit has become an industry leader with over 250 products ranging from peak performance supplements to foods, fitness equipment and apparel.

Inspired by his lifelong experience as a multisport athlete — as well as his background in ancient philosophy — Marcus’s goal was to create a company that empowered customers to achieve their fullest human potential. With the launch of the firm’s flagship supplement Alpha BRAIN in 2011, Onnit was born.

Marcus currently hosts The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, a destination for conversations with the brightest minds in athletics, business, science and philosophy, with over 10 million downloads on iTunes. He is also the instructor of a 16-week goal-acceleration program called “Go For Your Win.”

Last year, Marcus led his first three-day seminar about relationships, called “LOVE: Practice Makes The Master,” and offered his insight to over 6,000 entrepreneurs during his roundtable discussion at the Synergy Global Forum, a two-day conference in New York City that brought together the world’s most admired business leaders, media moguls, literary icons, tech wizards and entertainers.

A sought-after public speaker and multi-platform media expert, Marcus has been featured in major media outlets such as Entrepreneur, Men’s Health and Men’s Journal, among others. His book, Own The Day, Own Your Life, was published by HarperCollins in April of 2018. In this episode of Action & Ambition, Entrepreneur Network partner Andrew Medal discusses Marcus’s vision for his life, business and spiritual quest.

Related: This Graffiti Artist Makes Millions of Dollars Selling His Work

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Blockchain Is Gaining Ground in Video-Streaming. Here’s Why.

Blockchain is bringing about Internet 3.0. Are you going to be involved?

5 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The internet revolutionized the way the world operates, stays connected and communicates — that was Internet 1.0. Internet 2.0 then arrived, to overhaul static web pages, making them more dynamic, as well as strengthen mobile applications and the responsive web.

Related: Omar Kassim’s Esanjo Uses Blockchain To Reimagine Real Estate Investment

At this point, today, we are entering the next phase — or Internet 3.0, which many experts are calling it (check out this CoinDesk article). Internet 3.0’s central factor? Blockchain technology, which seeks to decentralize everything from banking to healthcare to real estate.

Video-streaming is poised to play a major role in the coming Blockchain world: As online content has exploded, video-streaming has become the de facto way to watch movies and videos online. It’s also led to the “cut the cable cord” movement. Blockchain will enable this trend.

The Big Three

Today, the majority of efforts in the video storage, computing, encoding, networking and streaming categories are led by three dominant brands: Amazon Web Services, or AWS (34 percent), Microsoft (11 percent) and Google Cloud (8 percent). AWS is so big that it generates the major portion of Amazon’s profits — some $10 billion-plus in annual revenue, TechCrunch says. AWS hosts data for megacorporations like Comcast, PG&E, and Netflix, which all rent space on its servers.

Streaming and encoding are areas ripe for disruption, as Blockchain technology expands storage options by spreading data across the blockchain computer network. Streaming video will be able to tap into underutilized computers through the Blockchain, which will dramatically reduce streaming’s cost, in ways detailed below.

Related: 5 Ways Blockchain Technology Will Change the Way We Do Business

Startups such as VideoCoin see this trend as an opportunity and are entering the arena by providing the means for video content to be distributed at a fraction of the price. Haley Minor, an investor in VideoCoin as well as CEO of Live Planet, recently shared some thoughts with me about the ways in which Blockchain technology is poised to take over online video-streaming.

The explosion of online video

Video changed everything. Where there used to be text blogs, we now have vlogs, YouTube channels, Facebook Live, Snapchat and podcast interviews.

Where images or text used to appear in digital ads, we now see animated GIFs. Live video-streaming, meanwhile, has become insanely popular across mobile apps and social media. Companies like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon have put old-fashioned video rental out of business, and DVDs are quickly becoming a thing of the past. “Video is exploding — growing by 25 percent per year,” Minor told me. “All companies now use video for marketing.” (The explosion of video-streaming and thoughts about its future use are further reinforced in this ReCode article.)

Since video usage is significantly increasing every year, improvements in the way it is stored and streamed are becoming all the more essential.

Enter the Blockchain.

Blockchain technology is an unanticipated breakthrough and its capabilities are far-reaching. Its popularity has skyrocketed with the creation of cryptocurrency, and it’s toppling established market leaders and creating opportunities for a new generation of startup entrepreneurs. “The reason anything sticks around is that it makes business more efficient,” Minor pointed out.

Specifically, Blockchain tech brings together computers all over the world in a peer-to-peer network with no central server required. The technology supports the authentication and transfer of digital data, where each “block” has pointers encoded to the preceding and following blocks. This process is private secure, and permanent, eliminating the need for middlemen, and in the case of video, cloud-storage providers.

Minor told me he intends to run the VideoCoin Network largely on unused or underutilized servers in data centers, where, he estimates, there are about 20 million servers, 30 percent of which are idle at any given time, and another 20 percent aren’t being used at all.

“You’ve got $10 billion to $20 billion of data center assets that are doing nothing,” Minor said. “This presents an opportunity to efficiently harness unused computing power to process and encode video.”

Benefits of blockchain technology in the video-streaming Industry

Current video-streaming offers have incrementally increased costs in order to store all that content out there and all those massive video files on servers. This has meant large margins for the controlling companies, and these expenses have trickled down to the content creators.

Blockchain technology, however, promises to cut down these costs and give content creators direct access to their revenue. The Blockchain also promises to offer “smart contract” technology, providing a multitude of avenues for video content to be stored and shared under a heavily encrypted and secure system.

While today’s blockchains cannot handle video-streaming due to long transaction times and limited computing capacity, there are new blockchain-backed companies being built specifically to enable those faster transactions. “Miners” (those adding transaction records to the public ledger of past transactions) will be able to load software onto their computers or servers and effectively rent their excess computer space; they’ll be incentivized by rewards in the form of cryptocurrency or tokens.

Utilizing the same philosophy as the sharing economy, miners will simply store video on their excess disc space and stream it with their excess bandwidth. This process will have the ability to lower the cost of distributing video.

A revolution is coming.

The evolution of technology will continue to change the entertainment and streaming industries. Just as the internet rendered brick and mortar video-rental stores obsolete, Blockchain technology will soon completely overthrow the current realities of video streaming –and become ubiquitous.

Related: How Blockchain Is Creating a New Future for Digital Marketing

Current leaders in online video-streaming simply will not be able to compete — or be willing to give up market share — to a decentralized network. So, those leaders will have to adjust accordingly. That’s how the revolution will begin — and in fact already has begun.

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This Graffiti Artist Makes Millions of Dollars Selling His Work

Andrew Medal sits down with Timmy Sneaks, world-renowned creative visionary and graffiti artist, to discuss creativity in the digital age and the business behind making art.

1 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Timmy Sneaks is a modern creative and graffiti artist from Boston. His unique style and brand has garnered interest from the highest level brands and influencers like Kevin Hart, Scott Disick and Robinson Cano. In this episode of Action & Ambition with Andrew Medal, Sneaks discusses his beginnings and how he turned his passion for art into a thriving business, the keys to luxury branding and the vision for his empire.

Related: Kym Gold Explains How She Started True Religion, Then Sold It for $835 Million

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Kym Gold Explains How She Started True Religion, Then Sold It for $835 Million

Kym Gold discusses how she disrupted an entire industry, scaled and sold her company for hundreds of millions and more.

1 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Kym Gold is the co-creator of True Religion Brand Jeans; author of the business book, Gold Standard: How to Rock the World and Run an Empire, and producer for projects with a social conscience, including the documentary, SLAG: Served Like a Girl. Kym’s unwavering drive has helped her achieve success as a designer and entrepreneur. She shares tips about life, business and selling her company for more than $800 million.

Related: Rapper Nipsey Hussle Reveals the Art of Being a Self-Made Millionaire

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How AI Can Make Customer Service More Efficient

Humanity has come a long way in teaching technology how to appear more human. Now, technology is teaching itself.

4 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

With the rise of the artificial neural network, which mirrors the interconnected nodes of the human brain, artificial intelligence is ready to graduate to a new level.

Artificial neural networks (ANN) are programmed to be cognizant of patterns. ANN can read human speech and synthesize the use of specific words to identify subtle meanings in human communication. The implications are particularly impressive once processing speed is taken into account.

Related: 10 Artificial Intelligence Trends to Watch in 2018

The (until now) uniquely human ability to understand the complexities of language, multiplied by the speed of computational efficiency, results in a very effective response program.

I know, I know: Your mind is blown; (yes, AI can now write puns like that). But, on a practical note, did you know that AI can also improve customer service?

AI’s benefits for customer service

“When we give our machine-learning algorithm access to historical customer service data, it begins to identify patterns and learn in a human-like way,” Mikhail Naumov told me. He’s co-founder and president of DigitalGenius (a frontrunner in the AI and customer service industry), and we were speaking about the future of AI. “What is created by this process,” Naumov said, “is an AI model that is trained on a company’s specific customer-service data-set.

“This intelligence generates automated-response suggestions to customer queries and gives human customer-service professionals a partner to help handle a growing volume of requests.”

The implications for the customer service industry are profound. Data can be fed to a machine-learning program, which creates the neural network, or the “intelligence” behind AI. That intelligence helps humans to better understand customers and take care of their needs with greater speed and precision.

Industry experts agree that intelligence-backed digital assistants represent the change that’s needed for the customer-service sector. As Dan Miller, the founder of Opus Research, commented in Medium: “The future of personalized customer experience is inevitably tied to ‘Intelligent assistance.'”

The benefit for entrepreneurs

Communication is one of the top factors in quality customer service, a fact reflected by this SurveyMonkey study. Companies want to take advantage of software that will give them a platform to address the needs of their clients more efficiently. This is especially true now that customer service has migrated to texting, where mass communications can become bottlenecked. Support agents cannot process the workload.

Related: Is Artificial Intelligence Replacing Your Intelligence?

But, alternately, instead of a handful of people working to respond to an entire client base, there are AI programs that can filter communications and suggest appropriate responses, cutting down the time it takes for those agents to address inquiries.

The evolution of AI

All of this is magnified by the fact that these systems are continuously improving, learning in real time from collected data. Like the ideal employee, because of deep learning algorithms, they just keep getting better at their job. AI would be nowhere without ANN.

“The deep learning methodology allows companies to unlock value from their historical customer service data,” Naumov explained. “By scouring through mountains of historical data and watching how human customer-service representatives responded to thousands of different queries, deep learning can create the intelligence necessary for the AI to be useful.

“In customer service,” Naumov continued, “that means it can detect sentiment, urgency, type of request, details about the case and so on. It can also recommend answers to agents, saving them valuable time. [These things] help companies scale their contact center while responding to a growing volume of requests.”

Current customer-service departments are bogged down by requests that result in an hour or longer queue times for customers. According to Alexandre Lebrun of Facebook’s artificial intelligence division, quoted by Business Insider, “The better we get [at artificial intelligence], the less time you spend talking to customer service. It’s a gain for companies, but it’s also a gain for personal life.”

Related: Can Artificial Intelligence Identify Pictures Better than Humans?

Many customer service requests are repetitive and easily could be handled by an AI-based response system. Indeed, data and the neural network will make AI the best coworker the support desk has seen yet.

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